FAQ'sSEO Facts… SEO is a very important investment and should be the first developed budget. If SEO is not inserted in to your Internet Advertising Campaign then your business is losing hundreds of potential clients. Internet Advertising with SEO/Search Engine Optimization is now increasingly becoming the #1 source of Internet Marketing.
According to Several Internet Marketing Research companies such as Searchenginewatch.com, Mediametrix.com, Netratings.com and a book called The Search written by John Battelle states that nearly everyone searches the web. In fact 85% of Internet users utilize search engines, more than 107 million in the United States alone. That is a staggering percent and it continues to grow by 35% each year. Nearly 100 million made purchases after doing research online and 115 million searched for a product and company information.
How buyers search… 50% use from 2-4 keyword phrases, 20% use 1 word and 5% use up to 6 keyword phrases. One major fact is that over 30% plus use keywords with a local city or state attached to the keyword phrase example (Real Estate Fort Lauderdale or Florida Real Estate) What Search Engines are used… Well that is an interesting question! There are over 500 plus through out the world but 15 are Major players in the search industry. Nobody is loyal to just one search engine since you can always find different web sites for the same keywords or phrases. All search engines have different ways they index and list web sites using their own algorithms. We all know who the big guns are MSN, Yahoo, Google and the rest will follow AltaVista, Aol, Dogpile.com, Ask.com and more. The market share for the Search Engines sway from month to month and they all are important, and this why you need to have an SEO Expert to follow all the specifics from the inside out to make sure your web site gets Optimized on all The Major Search Engines. As a business that has an existing web site or plans to get a web site designed it is a crucial and extremely important part of the growth of your business. No matter what type of information or product and business you have, potential buyers or clients are searching for your service. As the facts are laid out in front of us some times it takes a little bite more to accentually read the writing on the wall. SEO is an ongoing investment and can be for the lifetime of your web site existence, but like any form of advertising it takes money to make money. The only difference is SEO is the most essential form of advertising in the word and can be the most lucrative investment that you will make as far as your advertising budget goes. So I leave you with an important question Is Your Web Site Working For You? Or Are You Working For Your Web Site. Web site Submission… This is a common question that is asked in the SEO world and the answer is quite simple if it was that easy then there would be no such thing as Search engine rankings. The bottom line is in the SEO industry SEO Companies try and guarantee top Search Engine placement with only using Search Engine Submissions and businesses pay a small fee and then you think your web site will obtain top rankings on the Search Engines, do not believe that for a moment. There is a lot that goes into Search Engine Optimization; it is a science and an ever-changing field that only a handful of SEO companies can pull off. If you want your web site to stay at the bottom of the Search Engine Rankings then just Search Engine Submission will work for you, but I will tell you this it really defeats the purpose of having A web site work for you and your business. Search Engine Submission is a very small part to do with the SEO industry, it barely touches the surface, plus most Search Engine Submission companies will not tell that you have to pay up to $300.00 just to submit your web site to Yahoo & Google. Most Web designers use this method as an added bonus but, although they are skilled in there field they need to work with and SEO company to give there clients what they need and that is new prospects seeing there Web site. This why we have worked with some of the top web design teams. See Webulant.com SEO facts: